The First

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I’m kind of unsure of what to do for a first post, but I figured the best place to start would be my newest commission completion. This commission was for a very dear friend of mine, for her niece’s birthday. She requested the Eiffel Tower, her favorite color is teal, and I was given a beautiful blank canvas of closet doors.

This was a very fun commission. At first I was a little daunted, because there was a specific photo I had to reference. So much detail to try to capture on such a large surface. Thankfully, my customer (and friend!) trusts my art instincts and feels that I’m skilled enough to make the decisions for the design.

We didn’t want to have the artwork too dark in color, so I decided to make the background teal, and for the Eiffel Tower to be viewed as if in a dreamlike portal. The way the size worked out was perfect, but it needed something more. So we decided on a phrase in French, which translates to “I dream of Paris”. My sister suggested to add vintage flower designs in the upper corners to fill out the empty space.

My dear friend was very happy with the finished piece (and it looks much better in person). Ultimately it was a piece I am extremely pleased with the end results, and I enjoyed the challenge.

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